7 Day Social – DAY 2

Share the love


Hello and welcome to Day 2!

Research shows people take more effort to make a complaint than to write a review or email from a positive experience.  Crazy right?

So for Day 2, I want you to sing from the rooftops about someone who has given you a wonderful review or testimonial on what you do.

Let’s dive in!

Showcase your awesomeness

As I mentioned yesterday people buy people, but they also like to see a review before they make a purchase for something.

Whether that’s a hotel stay, a restaurant or hiring a mechanic, we all hit Google reviews or ask a friend before we part with our hard earned dollar.

Maya angelou once said.....

‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’


Your Done For You Caption

To download your Canva graphic, hit the link below, and amend the text with your client testimonial.  Hit share and download as a jpg file on Canva.  Copy the caption below and personlise it.  Check out my video below for step by step instructions.


Today I’m sharing the love and doing a happy dance in the office/kitchen/garden.

Thank you (name) for taking the time to #sharethelove on the (product purchased/service received).  It means so much to receive these.

 If you want to be like (name) and purchase product/book X service then pop on over to the website/DM/call me, I can’t wait to hear from you.


Hit the download link

You’ll be taken to the Canva Testimonial Template.  

Get your copy ready

So when you have your review, enter them into the text box where I have made an example,  you can just click on the text box and delete and replace it with your review.  If you want to change the colours, you’re welcome to.

Then hit share

Once you’re happy with the design, top right, click the share button and then download as a jpg, which will be saved to your computer.  Copy the Done For you Caption.


Then upload the Canva image and paste the caption to your feed,  You could add a few hashtags in the comments that are relevant to your audience and industry too if you like?



Canva doesn’t seem so scary does it? 

Well done on nailing Day 2, I knew you could do it!  Two posts are now under your belt, and I hope you are feeling motivated for Day 3!


Let me know how you get on and tag me at #wearethesocial with your posts, I’d love to see what you get up to.  Don’t forget I’ll be in the Facebook Group answering any questions you might have too.

Tomorrow, we’ll be doing a reel! Yep a reel, I promise no pointing at things or dancing around is required.

See you tomorrow!